Mike B. Hill Apps

IR Blaster Demo 1.10
Mike B. Hill
Demo version of IR Blaster. Use this demo to determine if IRBlaster is compatible with your devices and apps.Contains all the same functionality as IR Blaster but will stoplistening for incoming requests after 20 requests are received.This app is not yet mature and has not been tested on manydevices. Please report any positive or negative feedback [email protected] issues can be addressed. Thanks!There are 2 reasons you may want to use IR Blaster.1 - Your remote control app does not have the ability to controlyour built in IR blaster2 - You want to control 1 device's built in IR blaster from a 2nddeviceExample usage scenario with 1 device:- Your favorite remote control app has the ability to control aniTach but can't control your built in IR Blaster- Install IR Blaster on your device- Start IR Blaster, create an iTach IR emulator and start theemulator- In your remote app, configure a new iTach device at ip address127.0.0.1 (the loopback to self ip address)- Your remote app can now control your internal IR BlasterExample usage scenario with 2 devices:- Install this app on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 device- Start the app, add an iTach IR emulator and start theemulator- Note the ip address and port the emulator is listening on. The ipaddress and port are separated by a colon.- From a 2nd device, install any app capable of controlling aniTach IR device (mbhRemote for example)- Configure the 2nd device to communicate with the ip address andport the 1st device is listening on- The 2nd device can now control the IR Blaster on the 1stdeviceRequires a hardware device with a built in IR Blaster.When using the iTach IR emulator, configure your remote app tosend commands to channel 3.Supported Devices:Samsung Galaxy Tab 2Samsung Galaxy S4Samsung Galaxy S5 (use device type 'Generic IR Device')Samsung Galaxy NoteHtc OneEmulators:Global Cache' iTach IRSupported apps:Any app that can communicate with an iTach IR device should be ableto communicate with IR Blaster
mbhRemote Demo 2 1.71
Mike B. Hill
A demo version of mbhRemote. Contains all thesame functionality of mbhRemote except that it does not save anyprogramming. When the program closes (or is closed by the operatingsystem), all programming will be lost.Home screen shortcuts require saved programming and therefore donot work in this demo version.One or more of the following is required by this app:- A Global Cache' hardware device- A hardware device which can be controlled over a homenetwork- A supported built in IR BlasteriTach IR learning quick start:- Press 'Devices...'- Open the menu and select 'New Device...'- Enter a name such as 'My iTach'- Enter the ip address for your iTach- Click test connection and ensure you are able to connect- Go back 2 times and press 'Remotes...'- Open the menu and select 'New Remote...'- Enter a name such as 'My Remote'- Go back and long press the remote name you just created- Select 'Program...' from the context menu- Press the button you wish to program and select 'Learn...' fromthe context menu- Point your actual remote at your iTach's IR learning sensor andpress the remote button- Once the IR code is received an editing testing screen will openwhere you can test the programmed buttonHTC One IR learning quick start- Press 'Devices...'- Open the menu and select 'New Device...'- Enter a name such as 'My HTC'- Select device type 'HTC One'- Go back 2 times and press 'Remotes...'- Open the menu and select 'New Remote...'- Enter a name such as 'My Remote'- Go back and long press the remote name you just created- Select 'Program...' from the context menu- Press the button you wish to program and select 'Learn...' fromthe context menu- Point your actual remote at your HTC One's learning sensor (it'sin the power button) and press the remote button- Once the IR code is received an editing testing screen will openwhere you can test the programmed buttonIR import quick start:- Press 'Devices...'- Open the menu and select 'New Device...'- Enter a name such as 'My iTach'- Enter the ip address for your iTach- Click test connection and ensure you are able to connect- Go back 2 times, open the menu and select Import/Export- Select 'Import from GC IR database'- Select a manufacturer, device type, codeset and click 'Test IRCodes'- Use the Test button to test your selected codeset- If the codes work, click 'Import'. If not, press back and selecta different codeset- Once you have found a working codeset and imported it, go back 3times and press 'Remotes...'- Open the menu and select 'New Remote...'- Enter a name such as 'My Remote'- Click 'Auto map' and select the IR codes you just imported- Go back and long press the remote name you just created- Select 'Program...' from the context menu- Press the button you wish to program and select 'Copy from...'from the context menu- Select the remote you imported and then select the button youwish to copy fromOnce again, this demo version does not save any of yourprogramming. Once the app exits, all programming will be lost.If you decide to buy the full version, you can export yourprogramming from the demo version and import it into the fullversion. You can access the Import / Export screen from the mainscreen's menu.
Killer Snakes - Multiplayer! 1.3
Mike B. Hill
Don't let the pathetic looking screen shotfoolyou! Killer Snakes is an action packed game of skill, cunningandeven a little luck. No static screen shot could possiblycapture theexcitement and fun of Killer Snakes!Multiplayer!Classic 8 bit style graphics!Killer Snakes is unlike any 'Snakes' style game you'veplayedbefore. It's a battle to the death against multipleopponents. It'skill or be killed! In Killer Snakes, you don't dieby running intoa wall or another snake. Bumping into something isthe least ofyour worries in this battle arena.Eat food to gain length and power ups. Fire pellets atyouropponents. Each shot will cost you one piece of body length.Eachhit you take will cost you 3 pieces of body length.Go head to head against your friends in multiplayer mode.Onedevice is set up to host the game. Then other devices can jointhegame. All devices must be on the same wifi network. If you'reawayfrom home, try setting up a peer to peer wifi network usingyourdevice's wifi setup screen (Android 4.0 and later supports peertopeer networks).A touchscreen is required.
Pedal Steel 1.21
Mike B. Hill
Pedal Steel Copedent / Fretboard Analysis and Training
Woodworking Utilities 1.0
Mike B. Hill
Basic woodworking utilities including a board foot calculator,pilothole guide, trammel length calculator, spacing calculator,decimalto fraction calculator and a dovetail jig calculator. Alsoincludedis a shopping cart which I found missing in other boardfootcalculator apps. The shopping cart lets you enter multipleboardfoot purchases along with other types of purchases and givesyou atotal for all items. You can even save and reload shoppingcarts ifneeded. The dovetail jig calculator is based on a methodof cuttingdovetails on the band saw with spacers. I saw thetechnique in aband saw dvd but couldn't find a good example onyoutube. With someexperimentation, I would think the calculatorwould work with otherapproaches that use spacers.
mbhRemote 1.76
Mike B. Hill
Universal Remote Control
IR Blaster 1.10
Mike B. Hill
IR Blaster - An iTach IR Emulator
Vocal Workout 1.0
Mike B. Hill
Vocal Workout Creator and Player